martes, 7 de julio de 2015

La donación de órganos bajo la lupa

Cuando una persona elige ser donante de órganos o no es altamente probable de que esta no este del todo informada de lo que esto implica. Es probable que tampoco este al tanto de todos sus muchos conceptos y lo complicado  de conseguir y remplazar un órgano lo cual no solo involucra el acto medico sino también el acto social. La  institución que impulsa, coordina y fiscaliza las actividades de donación es la INCUCAI. Gracias a esta institución se han logrado mas de 740 trasplantes exitosos solo en el 2015, aumentando el numero de personas donantes cada vez mas y mas. Sin embargo todavía hay 7755 personas en toda argentina que están en lista de espera de las cuales muchas des afortunadamente mueren esperando. Además para que un trasplante sea exitoso es necesario que el donante y receptor sean histocompatibles, es decir que el órgano del donante sea compatible con el de el receptor para que este no lo rechace. Esto hace todavía mas urgente la necesidad de nuevos donantes tanto en vida como cadavéricos. Esta falta de donantes es, como mencione anteriormente, por falta de conocimiento sobre el tema es por eso que con mis compañeros de curso hicimos un glosario sobre algunos de los conceptos de donación de órganos para que las personas conozca mas sobre este tema.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2015

Summary: Climates

Places with Equatorial climates are the ones that are 5°either side of the Equator. Some examples are the zones where the Amazon (in South America) and Congo (Africa) are located. This climate is characterised by it high and constant temperatures all throughout the year and their high annual rainfall exceeds of 2000mm. This climate is also characterised by its light and variable winds.
   Tropical continental climates are located mainly between latitudes 5° and 15° north and south of the equator. This climate has wet and dry seasons, wick are caused by the movement of the overhead sun. The temperature rises when the sun takes a vertical position. Meanwhile in the other hemisphere temperatures fall when the clouds cover the sun and consequently rainfall increases. Unfortunately, in this climate the rainy season and the total amount of rain are unreliable.
   Hot deserts are located between 5° and 30° north and south the equator. These deserts high temperatures happen when the sun is overhead, but low temperatures happen when it's in the opposite hemisphere. The amount of rain in this climate is very poor; it's less than 250 mm per year, this is because the prevailing winds and the Equator convection currents.
   Cold climates are found in the poleward in latitude 60N in Eurasia, where it extends from Scandinavia across Russia to the Pacific. Winters are very long, dark and extremely cold. Summers are short but relatively warm for their latitude and precipitation in this climate is light throughout the year because the air is too cold.
   The monsoon, the word monsoon means season. There are two monsoons, the south west monsoon and the north East monsoon. In the south west monsoon the sun appears to be overhead at the tropic of cancer in June. As the temperature increase there is more evapotranspiration so the pressure becomes low. Due to these factors there is extreme rainfall. For example Mumbai gives over 2000mm of rainfall in 5 months. The north east monsoon is during the northern winter. The overhead sun moves southwards. Because of this the temperatures are cold and the pressure is high. However there are low amounts of rain (45mm approximately).

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

"Look before you leap"

In the language class we wrote a story  that had to do with looking before you leap.Here is my story.

Story: 150 words.


  • Connectors
  • examples of direct speech
  • Similies
  • Methaphor
  • Examples of of past perfect

When I woke up that morning, I'd never felt so regretful in my whole life. "I am a stupid, how could I do that to my own sister?" I repeated to myself meanwhile I eated a poor breackfast, when I finished, I couldn't tolerate any more the idea of my sister being trapped as a smelly rat in jail for something I did. So consequently I get to my car as fast as a leopard and drove to the Jersey police station where my sister had been stopped by the police.When I arrived at the animal's cage that restricted my sisters freedom I told the guard "My sister is innocent, I murdered Mr. Fairfax" while he immediately reponded "OK", moreover he hitt me in the face so hard that suddenly I felt to the  floor unconscious.
When I woke up I was in a cell.trapped as a mouse. "Why am I here?" I shouted but nobody replied, " You have done a very bad thing Mr. John" and old man said simultaneously he was getting closer to me. "You will be here for a long time Sr, you confessed the murder of Mrs. Fairfax so we let your sister free immediately afterwards" he explained me. So without fighting or discussing much I replied to him "It's true I will die here. However, I'm happy as my sister is not here anymore".