martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

An essay on "The Door in the Wall"

In The Door in the Wall written by  H.G. Wells a little boy called Wallace found a green door in a big white wall while he was walking througt Kingston`s streets, in England.When he got inside the door he found a huge garden full of flowers and animals, there were also children who Wallace played with. But the problem was that when he tried to find this door he could not, so he got crazy searching for the door until the moment he died. The author tried to show the real world versus the imaginary one.

Through the story when Wallace went for the first time through the door he founds a paradise. He described it as a very big garden full of trees and flowers. Also some children who received Wallace in a very friendly way and they also played with him. Moreover there was a girl that took his hand and then she kissed him.The children played with him . When they finish playing they went to a gallery in which there was a woman with a book, when she started to read the book Wallance realized that the story the woman was reading was the story of his life.

Wallace had a difficult childhood, his mother was dead and his father did not payed him much attention. Wallace was very intelligent, Redmond, his only friend, said "He always beat me with facility". The door represented all these things that he wanted but he did not have. Also colours were very symbolic. The white wall represented Wallace desire of nurturing and the green door represented the passage to obtain that nurturing and a world of opportunities.

Wallace saw the door three times after the first time but in those three times he was in a hurry so he could not stop to enter. But when Wallace was free he could not find it, so he started to search everywhere where the door was. But one day he confused the door with a door that was in a construction place and he died.

In The Door in the Wall the author showed how can real life, can get confused with imagination. In this story you can see how a man saw life and that imagination did not have limits. Also it showed how a man did everything and never gave up to achieved his goal (to enter again to the secret garden).

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

El codigo de barras y el codigo QR

Código de barras:
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Codigos QR:
Es un sistema que permite almacenar información en una especie de código de barras de última generación.Con la ayuda de un celular podemos ver esta información tan solo con apuntar la cámara hacia el código QR. Su forma es cuadrada a diferencia del codigo de barras.
Este codigo QR nos lleva a una entrada de nuestra wiki.