domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Revolution at the factory

For l/l writting we had to write a short story  based on a story that we read in literatura named "The sons veto".

It was a normal day in the glass factoryin the north of London. As usually, people worked like dogs all day for very little money. They were very unhappy but they couldn´t say anything, they needed money to feed their families.
But everything changed when when Simon died burned in a melting glass machine. Everybody was devastated nfor Simon´s death but there were two workers that were very sad and very angry. One was Sam, a 28 year-old man, very strong and very tall and the other was  Matt of 20 years-old he was not very tall and he was very thin.They were very sad because they were Simon´s brothers."I can`t work one more second in this place, we work more tan ten hours per day with no rest and we are always with the risk of dying"shouted Sam. Immediately after these words, everybody started to break all the machines, meanwhile they shouted "No more work". Seven minutes later the pólice arrived and a big fight took place. Dozens of people died and it lasted almost four hours until the boss of the Factory came ,and he shouted "Are you crazy"?"You are just por workers and you are going to be punished for this" but in that moment Sam stood up and broke the silence saying "I am the responsable for this so I will pay the concecuence" so the boss replied "As you wish but the cost of this is death and without letting Sam answer two policemen handcuffed him and took him.The days passed by and everybody was worse tan before, the boss maked them work harder tan ever, workers were exousted and most of them were sick or ill. Matt was very sad and deppresed, his two brothers were dead.
One day he decided to take revange, but he didn`t know how to fight well so after many days of thinking in his plan he decided to start with a protest with all  workers in London. He spent five years persuading workers to live their Works and families to join the protest.Finally when he met more tan 10000 workers, he went to the royal palace with all the protestors hopeing that the Queen would understand the conditions in wich they worked and how they were suffering. When they arrived at the Queen`s palace, they noticed that the Queen wasn`t there instead there were more tan one hundred pólice officers with guns.Immediatley when they arrived at the palace, the policemen opened fire.At the beginning the workers didn`t react because they thought that the pólicemen belive that the workers were to attack the Queen. But after several minutes they didn`t stop so workers led by Matt counter-attacked.The battle lasted some hours.Policemen were less but they were equipped with guns.Finally the battle ended when Matt was kiled,"Stop, stop please they shot Matt in the neck".A worker that was near him said. Another worker picked him up and before dying Matt told him "Don`t fight anymore fight is not the solution of problems" after these words all the policemen and workers started to cry.Everybody was upset for Matt's death. Workers abandoned the Queen's palace and they returned to their homes, they retourned to their jobs and they lived the rest of their lives happy with their Works even althought they didn't like it.